D'orsay: Bougie Dorsay 19:50 190 g - Marron - ecraft_0 | Luisa Via Roma
D'orsay: Bougie Dorsay 19:50 190 g - Marron - ecraft_1 | Luisa Via Roma

D'orsayBougie Dorsay 19:50 190 g

€ 60.00
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  • LVRSustainable


  • Code article : 77I-ZMW006
  • Couleur article : Marron
  • 190 g
  • 19:50 is about sensual audacity.
  • Aims to reveal talents and strengths.
  • Two drops of tea and a hint of violet form a sensual and serene wave that preludes to flight.
  • This fragrance is for all those who think they will never get their 15 minutes of fame; 19:50 will be the springboard.
  • Cire naturelle
  • NOTES :
    • Encre, musc, thé noir, rose, vanille et cuir
  • Emballage durable
  • Fabriqué en France
  • Composition : Verre, Cire


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